Apr 4, 2009

Where are all the YardSales??

I woke myself up this morning at the crack of dawn to throw on a t-shirt and ballcap and hit the streets for the Saturday yard sales.

I guess I just missed the memo about NOBODY wanting to sell their stuff today.
I only found maybe 5 different sales and they should have been named more like "crap sales"
I am so bummed.

I did find a cute little sale at an elementary school raising money for "Relay for Life"
I left with a 25cent 1/2 inch conair curling iron.

I was in a sour mood from my bad luck so I didnt buy anything else.
I love the little thing, but am feeling guilty about my contribution (or lack there of) for the cause.

Man what a bummer.
Maybe more luck with the sunshine decides to come out.

Have a good Saturday Bloggies



Meg said...

I can't wait to go to yard sales this summer!

I had a lot of luck last year in RI. Everywhere I went if they had kid stuff I always walked out of their with something free. It was pretty cool.

jlc said...

For 25 cents!?!? Damn woman you are GOOOD. :)

Unknown said...

oh.my.stars. I LOVE yard sales! :) hahaha..me and my mom used to go every Saturday during the summer as I was growing up! I think it will be a tradition I will pass on to my daughters if I have any! ;)

to answer your question: I'm getting married on July 25!! I wish it would just be here already! haha. You??