Oct 15, 2009


Thank you so much to the sweet Meg @ Southern Pathways for giving me this award! Check out Megs Blog, She is simply adorable!
Now it is my honor and duty to award 7 kreativ bloggies!

I am awarding:
Crazy Shenanigans
Rockin Robyn
Carlee & Jared
La Belle Vie
Thinking out Loud
To while away the time

Here are the Rules:

1.) Thank the person who gave this to you!
2.) Copy the logo and place it in your blog!
3.) Link the person who nominated you!
4.) Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5.) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6.) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7.) Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them!
Seven things none of you wouldn't really know...

NOW 7 things about Me:

1. i love board games...all kinds at any time
2. i am a cheesy movie watcher
3. i have an obsession with Picnik.com (check it out!)
4. my hubby and i have the same birthday and it's really hard to plan a surprise b/c i secretly want him to be planning me one!
5. my mother is the strongest, wisest and most lovely person i know. I aspire to have her determination and strength.
6. i really want to become a good cook.
7. i am scared of the dark (seriously)

Now pass this award on ladies!

tomorrow is FRIDAY!



Beth Dunn said...

Cute list! xoxo


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Aw Thanks girl!!!!

Lindsay said...

Thank you dear!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Hannah. Miss you!

Leah said...

Thanks for the award! I love your list.