Oct 5, 2008

Sweet Sunday.

I knew I was excited for a reason. Church was simply amazing. Jerry addressed Legalism in his message today. The Title of the Sermon was "Peanut Butter wont make you Spiritual. It was exactly what I needed to hear and just what I needed to redirect my focus on the Lord.
Check My links (www.graceforall.org) to listen to the sermon. Check under Titus Project 10/5

My body is about give out. The lack of sleep I have been getting is really starting to get to me. I had my cup of coffee this morning (with pumpkin spice creamer) and was "bright eyed and bushy tailed" for church. The coffee started wearing off by lunch time and I was ready for a nap. My planned 30 min nap turned into a almost 3 hour nap. I need to get it in gear. The beautiful day, and wonderful fellowship with friends was clashing with my need to do school work. Now that I am rested, I have no more excuses. So I am off to make coffee with Italian Sweet Cream creamer and sitting in my green chair to study the night away.

Until tomorrow...

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