Dec 24, 2008
Dec 23, 2008
2 days 'til Christmas!
Today I am making:
123 Sausage Balls:
1 pound of your preferred Sausage
2 cups of Cheddar Cheese
3 Cups of Bisquick
Allow cheese to come to room temperature. Combine all ingredients (easier done by hand). Shape into 1 inch balls and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes. Serve immediately or may be frozen for future use.
Makes 40-50 balls.
Chocolate Cake Mix Cookies:1 pkg. Chocolate Cake Mix
1/2 c. margarine or butter, softened
1 egg
Combine all ingredients at low speed until thoroughly moistened. Drop by rounded tablespoonfuls 2 inches apart onto ungreased cookie sheets. Bake at 350 for 9-12 minutes. Cool two minutes; remove from pans.
Tips: If using chocolate cake mix, add 2 Tbsp. water to ingredients
If desired, stir in 1 c. chocolate chips or 1/2 c. chopped nuts.
If desired, frost cookies with your favorite flavor of frosting.
For sandwich cookies, spread frosting between 2 cookies.
Dec 20, 2008

There are a few simple rules...
Go to your pictures and choose the fourth folder and fourth picture in that folder. Post it with for us to see along with a description of the people/event. Afterwards tag four more people.
I tag Life from the Low land Chateau, sipping hot tea, Red Rainboots Green Grass and A Beautiful Mess I cant wait to see all your pics! Tag your it!
Dec 17, 2008
{little things}
Tonight I am going to the Behold the Lamb of God Concert at Mecklenberg Community Church. I know that it is going to be a Christmas experience that I will never forget.
Tomorrow I am going to go finish up Christmas shopping! This time of year is always so busy but I LOVE IT!
Dec 15, 2008
open house
I will give you an update of how it goes!
Dec 8, 2008
[Beyond ourselves]

Money Monday- Wherever you eat today pay for the persons behind you whether it be at Starbucks for your morning coffee or Panera for your lunch, pick up their tab. This works best in drive thrus but can be done anywhere.This random act of kindness will make someones day.
Talking Tuesday- Be intentional about telling someone you are thankful for them or give someone a compliment. We can do so much to brighten someones day by just a few words.
Wild Card Wednesday- just do something nice. It might be as small as letting someone go in front of you in a line or as big as picking up that angel off the angel tree you have been debating about buying for.You decide what to do.
Thankful Thursday- make a list of ten things you are thankful for in these hard economic times and post it on your blog.
Friday Fun and Friends- Do something for someone close to you. It is so fun to take a friend for a manicure or buy them their favorite truffles simply to be nice.
You are more than welcome to post this on your blog to share with others.Don't do this to make you feel good about yourself but rather because you are so blessed your life should overflow kindness. Leave me a message letting me know you are taking on the challenge! Have fun! I'd love to hear your stories!
Dec 7, 2008
so close...
Dec 3, 2008
Dec 1, 2008
mad rush monday
does anyone else feel 10 pounds heavier from all the turkey?
Nov 29, 2008
Nov 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

In the spirit of the holiday, I want to list the things I am thankful for:
My family- they have supported me through every part of my life
Jordan- My best friend and future husband: he appreciates the little things about me that are often unnoticed. Thank you for your love. I cannot wait to start a family with you.
My friends- The rays of sunshine that give me light so I can see my way. Thank you for your encouragement, accountability and love. I am truly blessed.
I am also thankful for: Montreat College,My professors and Grace Community Church.
Nov 24, 2008
they're in!
here is a sneak peak...
(my facebook)
Cerulean Photography
Caitlin B. Foreman
Nov 21, 2008
snowy suprise
Nov 20, 2008
Almost there!!

It has been 2 weeks since I have seen my fiancé and family, and I am more than anxious to be with them.
I am ready to start a little Christmas shopping! Jordan is going hunting a few times over break and It will be a perfect opportunity to get some things done.
I am so ready to visit family and even more excited about this being our first Holiday as an engaged couple!

Nov 19, 2008
brew n' view
Nov 18, 2008
baby its cold outside
So the countdown for breaks begin.
6 days until thanksgiving break
10 days left when we come back from Thanksgiving
I am so excited to start wedding planning and Christmas shopping (both I have no time for at the moment).
REMEMBER! ABCs 25 days of Christmas started last night! This means Christmas movies from here on out until the big day!!!

Nov 12, 2008
Although, I am still really trying to figure what it means to plan MY wedding.
At the current, planning simply means spending way to much time on and trying to find out prices for little things.
I started making a preliminary guest list so that I can send out save-the-dates in Dec. (Jordan made his list too and surprised me with it!)
In one since I feel like I am starting to early and in another I feel like there is SO much to do!
I am going to be thankful when Christmas break rolls around so that I can Plan Plan Plan.
I am open to wedding keep them coming!
Nov 10, 2008
Friday I spent here at school and didn't make the trip home until Saturday morning. Friday night I got to see a friend who I haven't seen in awhile. I greeted her at the door and she extend her arm out to me with a giant tote full of things. When I opened my gift I was so thrilled to see it stuffed with a wedding planner/organizer notebook and countless bridal magazines! so much fun!
Saturday morning I drove home and met Jordan for a breakfast date and then went to scout out a potential wedding ceremony site. I LOVE the place. It is a Barn shed near my grandparents house and I hope it works out for us to be married there. 2 potential problems though. #1 HEAT (the wedding is going to be in August and I don't want my guests to have to be miserable) #2 RAIN? (weather can never be predicted at that time of the year) I will do some more thinking. Saturday I also went dress shopping for Jenna. She found her dress! She is going to look no less than stunning!
Sunday morning Jordan, my momma and sisters drove up the mountain to come to church. I am so thankful for Grace.
Sunday Afternoon Jordan and I had our engagement pictures done! I was so thrilled with how it all worked out. I cannot wait to see them! For a sneak peak go to:
So with Pictures out of the way and a million things going through my head, I wish you (and me) a Happy Monday!
Nov 7, 2008
PA report
Can you believe its already Nov. 7th!?! This Fall semester has flown by. Jordan and I have been discussing huge issues about our future life together. We have so many things to figure out before next august. One of them is where and when I am going to go to PA school. He has been so precious in doing research for me and giving me the nightly "PA report". Last night, in his report, he discovered that Wake Forest was not going to be as expensive as I had originally thought. Well that boosted my spirits. So now I know I am going to apply to Wingate, ECU and Wake Forest. Being accepted to any of these schools means that we will have to move to another town. SCARY because we have both lived in Alexander County our entire life. It is also exciting to know that we would share the experience together. Please Pray for our discernment and wisdom (and sanity) as we continue to go down this road of making LARGE decisions together.
Side note: I am open ears to any wedding planning advice!!
Happy Friday!
(so excited to go dress shopping with Jennarae tomorrow!)
Nov 4, 2008
election day
So I used voting to my advantage today.
If you were a voter you could receive a free cup of Starbucks coffee and a free Krispy Cream donut.
Well. I got both.
My self accompanied with two friends took our coffee and donuts to the GrovePark Inn where we made our selves at home. I settled in to a comfy leather sofa and was able to witness the most beautiful autumn view. It made my calculus homework incredibly less painful.
Here is some of the scenery I was able to witness...
Nov 2, 2008
halloween weekend
It was so fun to be able to get dressed up and spend time with friends.
We had trick-or-treating in our dorm. A lot of families brought their children to wander our halls and get a ton of candy.
I had candy and made popcorn hands.
Saturday my momma and sister visited all day. It was wonderful for them to come visit. We spent all day in Asheville shopping around and having a good time together.
We went to AC Moore to get scrapbooking things.
I am going to do a scrapbook for my and Jordan's engagement! I am excited about doing that!
Oct 30, 2008
so many things...
2. My little ring finger is distracting! I never imagined that I would look so many times at my left hand. It is definitely the center of my attention. It takes me twice as long to go anywhere on campus because I am always being stopped.
3. I have so much to with my school work. 2 take home tests due TOMORROW! I have alot to do.
4. Halloween is TOMORROW! I am so sad that I am not going to be able to make the Chapel Hill trip to Heather and Adams party. I am dressing up as a pirate tomorrow. Don't worry,I will take pics!
Lets pray that our day is productive and that time is well used!
Oct 28, 2008
Beautiful reminder
I woke up this morning to beautiful snow covering the cars and the grass. The ground is to warm for the snow to stick on the roads, but just a few degrees cooler we would have a snow day no doubt!
This is no ordinary October snow. To call this precipitation a flurry would be a slap in the face to mother nature. Just moments ago is was a full out down pour. Absolutely beautiful and a constant reminder of how Jesus washed my sins white as Snow. I am forgiven. I am delivered from the bondage that I could so easily be tortured in.
Today is going to be a day of Thanks.
The Snow: my beautiful reminder of how I am set FREE!
Oct 26, 2008
Oct 25, 2008
at home <3
Today, I am going to go vote early, or try to at least.
Jordan has a whole day plan to go to "the spot" and shoot skeet and ride four wheelers. The Spot is one of a kind. It is a piece of land that is literally a backwoods clearing that Jordan and his friend Scott built a little cabin on. They have a porch swing and a wood stove. There is even little bunk beds in there in case they want to stay the night. Oh, there is even an outhouse( I usually choose to hold it). Well anyways, we are meeting Jordan's sister and her husband down there to have some fun and will probably end up grilling out later tonight.
My Goal: Vote early. Do some studying!!
Oct 23, 2008
Looks like..
Well, I got to play momma today! I got to babysit baby Ryann Weeks. She is the most adorable thing ever. I got to dress her for the day and take her to the cafe for lunch. She has just learned to wave so she was naturally telling everyone hello and goodbye. Precious!
guess what tomorrow is?? :)
Oct 22, 2008
warmer wednesday??
2 more days till im 22! Plans for now are to go camping with Jordan and his family for our birthdays. We will see how that works out. The weather man also said that rain would ruin my camping trip. Well I am telling right now that I will not be to happy to hike and camp in a freezing down pour.
Oct 21, 2008
view from my window

Happy Fall and Stay Warm!
Oct 19, 2008
extra special weekend

We were all soaked to the bone when we left and were ready to get dry and comfy.
Saturday we all woke up and our wonderful host made us homemade pumpkin pancakes. They were incredible. We also had a chance to see the start of her fall/halloween decorations for her house. It made me want to have a house to decorate!
Before our trip back to Montreat we were able to stop at a friends house that lives in Raleigh. It was fun to see her home and family. We stopped at my house on our way back to see my family. My momma and sisters are so cute. It was great to see them.
I also had a excited phone call. Here is how it went: me: Hello? Jenna: He Proposed!!! me: WHAT??? Jenna: IM ENGAGED!!! me: OH MY GOSH! **Starts crying** I'M SO HAPPY!!!
Its so strange when one of your best friends gets engaged. We have talked about this moment since we were little girls and now it is finally here. I could not be more happy for her. CONGRATULATIONS future Mrs. Pope!
Oct 17, 2008
Raleigh Bound
Oct 16, 2008
Raleigh Road Trip
Oct 14, 2008
tuesday coffee
Oct 10, 2008
morning coffee
Oct 8, 2008
lovely morning

What a rainy day. Usually rainy days the atmosphere around campus is mopey, but today spirits are high and happy. Fall break starts today. I am so excited about heading home and seeing my family and Jordan. I am also going to be able to spend the day with Brittany and Jenna on friday. I never get to see my best friends, so we have planned to make the most out of that day. Friday will consist of manicures, pedicures and a full day of shopping :) At the moment I am sipping some coffee and slowly packing up for the trip home. I am content and relaxed. I love the feeling I have when I am about to head home. Pure happiness. So....With coffee in hand I will toast to a wonderful fall break. Stress free and full of fun.
Oct 7, 2008
Oct 6, 2008
almost over.
Oct 5, 2008
Sweet Sunday.
Check My links ( to listen to the sermon. Check under Titus Project 10/5
My body is about give out. The lack of sleep I have been getting is really starting to get to me. I had my cup of coffee this morning (with pumpkin spice creamer) and was "bright eyed and bushy tailed" for church. The coffee started wearing off by lunch time and I was ready for a nap. My planned 30 min nap turned into a almost 3 hour nap. I need to get it in gear. The beautiful day, and wonderful fellowship with friends was clashing with my need to do school work. Now that I am rested, I have no more excuses. So I am off to make coffee with Italian Sweet Cream creamer and sitting in my green chair to study the night away.
Until tomorrow...
Oct 4, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear friend ROSE------------------------>
i love you very much and am so thankful for your friendship.
Let me end with just saying that I am so excited about Grace tomorrow. I had to miss last Sunday, and am totally pumped for bible study and the worship service. The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful church home here in the beautiful mountains.
Oct 3, 2008

Despite the near chaos with homecoming this weekend, I am still so very thankful for today being Friday. I am almost done with classes today. Genetics and Calculus II under my belt and I only have one left this afternoon, microbiology. Fridays bring this sense of freedom. Even though I realize MWF classes are my challenge, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel on Fridays. Today is a special Friday which adds to my excitement. For homecoming, Montreat is putting on its first PowderPuff game since the 1960s. Seniors/Freshman vs. Juniors/Sophomores. Oh Yes I can smell the victory. Seniors/Freshys are wearing pink and the "others" are wearing blue. Being my senior year, I decided that I am going to go all out on this. I love some competition mixed with pigtails and a pink shirt. I am even cutting down my nails so not to interfere with my perfect spiral that will lead us to victory. Let me just say that the sun is shinning the air is cool and the emotions are high. Exact combinations we need to win!
Oct 2, 2008
Its October!
I love walking in to grocery stores to see a mound of pumpkins for sell and to see local churches hosting pumpkin patch fund raisers. I love planning our pumpkin party social for the dorm which will include carving pumpkins, roasting the seeds, apple cider and of course fall card making. October is full of wonderful things to look forward to: Fall Break. NC State Fair, Jordan's and my Brithday (its the same Oct. 24th!), Pumpkin party's and Halloween! The air has already turned cool in Montreat and I love walking to class in a coat with a warm cup of coffee in my had. I was also so excited to switch my wall flower fragrance to pumpkin spice today!

new at this.

wow. I never pictured myself as the "blogging" kind. A few close friends have started into their blogging careers, and I have enjoyed so much keeping up with their lives. I want to share my life in a way that is intimate for my closest friends and family. I desire for the people closest to my heart (even though far in distance) to be able to keep up with me and my endeavors. I am about to embark on brand new things. Big Things. Scary things. Exciting things. I want you to share these moments with me. Y