Aug 24, 2010

Ellie is BACK!

Praise the Lord

In a desperate attempt to find our baby puppy I made signs to put up a major road intersections.

Well... Hubs got a call from a lady yesterday who reported that she saw our sign and had seen Ellie the day before. Ellie had made it about 5 miles away from our house. That little Squirt.

One perk of living in a small town (well depending on the situation) is that everyone knows everyone. In this case it was a Perk b/c the lady who called saw and knew the lady who picked up Ellie and took her home. Phone calls were made and now Ellie is back home!

I slept so good last night :)

Aug 23, 2010

Missing Puppy

My heart is completely broken this morning.

Our"adopted" 6month old Cocker Spaniel went missing Saturday afternoon.
Her name is Ellie. She is completely black and wearing a pink(probably dirty) collar.

If anyone in the Statesville, Taylorsville, Hickory area has seen her PLEASE let me know!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understand, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7