Oct 31, 2009

happy halloween

happy halloween

yes. ridiculous i know. but i couldnt resist....its HALLOWEEN!

Rainy, miserable morning golf trip with hubs.
Potato soup in the crockpot.
visiting with sweet momma and sister.
making jewelry.
Friends coming over.
scary movie.

Yes. A wonderful Halloween.

Happy Halloween:)

Oct 26, 2009

birthday weekend

First of all...my job interview on Thursday went great! I am expecting a call back anytime this week!

BUT getting to my interview was a totally different story.

My interview was 20 min away from our house and I needed to be there @ 2pm.
I left our house @ 1pm with plans to get gas and pick up a few things from the grocery store.

WELL 15 min in route and basically on the ramp to get on the interstate my jeep DIED! I mean totally shut off and would not cooperate. It was a night mare! I looked at my watch and it was already 1:20pm. Hubby and Mom work at school and sometime cant get to their cell phones and neither were picking up. Finally Hubs called back! SHEW! He had to leave school and come and get me. In the meantime, 3...count them, 3 state troopers passed me and didn't even look up or offer help! know that I was stuck in the middle of the road and blocking all kinds of traffic trying to get on the interstate. Finally this nice man in a tow truck was passing by on the opposite side and stopped to ask if I had any help. I said NO. He pulled behind me and came and got my jeep to roll backwards and get enough speed to pull it up on the median. SO NICE! I called 911 and informed them of my car and asked them to make a note of it so it wouldn't get towed!!!
Hubby arrived about 1:50 and raced me to my interview. I was there on time and with a smile on my face. They will never know what happened and what it took for me to get there! haha. Thank you sweet hubby!!!

Sushi for lunch Friday was fabulous and a blast!

the ladies that Hubby teaches with, took us out for our birthday on Friday

Saturday(our birthday) was a dream!
We had friends over for breakfast and had a big meal together! we sat around the dining room table and sat on the front porch and just relaxed. Later that morning, hubs and I visited his dad and then came back home to carve pumpkins!

we carved polka-dot pumpkins!
Sadie baby was worn out from the pumpkin carving festivities.

We roasted the pumpkin seeds and cuddled around watching a movie until time to get ready for our dinner at Carrabbas with my dad and sisters. My youngest sister and her boyfriend came back to our house and watched a movie and then she spent the night. *sigh* It was a wonderful way to turn 23! Hubs is 24 now:)

I wish everyone a great week getting ready for Halloween! excited for this weekend to come too!


Oct 22, 2009

making progress

I have a job interview today!
I am so excited to be so close to having a job. so if you seen this before 2pm today, say a little prayer for me!

Saturday is my birthday....and....hubs birthday too!

Happy Birthday to US

Plans are up in the air. I originally wanted to go to the NC state fair and see Blake Shelton in concert, but that its a 3 hr drive. SOO...who knows!?!

I admitted my selfishness in last post about secretly not wanting to plan something for hubs in hopes that he will plan something for me...*shame shame* BUT i do want to do something.

We are going out for sushi for lunch on Friday.
Surprise him Friday at work with cupcakes?

Saturday (birthday) we are going to carve pumpkins, see family, and go out to dinner together.

I am excited about our birthday weekend. I love my hubby and love sharing celebrating our birthday together!

p.s. i'm loving this beautiful weather!


Oct 15, 2009


Thank you so much to the sweet Meg @ Southern Pathways for giving me this award! Check out Megs Blog, She is simply adorable!
Now it is my honor and duty to award 7 kreativ bloggies!

I am awarding:
Crazy Shenanigans
Rockin Robyn
Carlee & Jared
La Belle Vie
Thinking out Loud
To while away the time

Here are the Rules:

1.) Thank the person who gave this to you!
2.) Copy the logo and place it in your blog!
3.) Link the person who nominated you!
4.) Name 7 things about yourself that no one would really know.
5.) Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6.) Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7.) Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them!
Seven things none of you wouldn't really know...

NOW 7 things about Me:

1. i love board games...all kinds at any time
2. i am a cheesy movie watcher
3. i have an obsession with Picnik.com (check it out!)
4. my hubby and i have the same birthday and it's really hard to plan a surprise b/c i secretly want him to be planning me one!
5. my mother is the strongest, wisest and most lovely person i know. I aspire to have her determination and strength.
6. i really want to become a good cook.
7. i am scared of the dark (seriously)

Now pass this award on ladies!

tomorrow is FRIDAY!


Oct 12, 2009

a week in review

it's already monday again? sheesh.
maybe last week went by with a flash because I hardly sat down.

Last week I finished up my phlebotomy class with my last week of clinicals. I can say that I am officially a phlebotomist. Now the tricky part...finding a job. I have applied at a few hospitals and doctors offices and now I just have to wait to hear back. I know the Lord has a plan for my future, it is difficult have faith in that knowledge though. I will rest in the fact that He loves me and has a promising future for me!
What a weekend hubs and I had!
Friday: Highschool Homecoming Football game
Littlest Sister was the freshman representative for the homecoming court!
I know that I am Bias, but I think that my ole' highschool does homecoming so classy.

the girls are required to wear black or navy suits. It can be pants or skirts, but it has to be a suit. The girls are escorted by their fathers or honorary man. there are 2 reps for each of the fresh, sopho and junior classes and 13 reps for the senior class. Only the seniors can win queen and that is voted on by the entire student body.

ROTC provides a tunnel with their swords and the girls line up with their escort and are introduced and walked in.

Each girl, all 19 of them, have a pre-game introduction. Each of them have a convertible that parades around the track around the field and are introduced before the game.
Sister the the last one with the skirt on.

Me. Littlest Sister. Sister.

It was beautiful weather and great fun...
Oh and our football team won!

Saturday: Errands with sweet momma while hubs played golf.

-Bought scrubs (yes for when i get a job) from Read's Uniforms.
-Goodwill treasure hunted and found 2 scrubs shirts that were surprisingly cute and clean!
found a picture frame and a silky shirt.
-Went to Bath and Body to find my Pumpkin Spice wall flower...they don't carry that scent anymore!! I have to decide what scent I want now.

Sunday: Church with Hubby.
Brunch at Bojangles.
Sunday Football. Glad the Panthers finally won but sad the Redskins lost (for hubs sake).
We had family over last night for dinner and football and we had a blast spending time together.

I also Attempted my first Pound cake....FAIL! haha
It really had a good taste, but didn't have the texture of pound cake and fell apart when I took it out of the pan. Oh well. Try Try again.

I still have a mound, literally, of dishes to do. joy. joy.

have a great monday!

Oct 3, 2009

Happy Brithday to my Blog

Happy 1 Year to my Blog!

This Year will be full of new memories as a new wife!
Cant wait to share it all!

Happy Weekend,